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Modern office interior featuring a large open workspace with employees at various stations, highlighted by sleek wooden desks, partitions, and innovative overhead lighting fixtures.

The Impact of...

The design of an office can significantly influence employee productivity and wellbeing. A well-thought-out office layout not only enhances efficiency but also boosts the overall health and satisfaction of the workforce. By understanding the effects of the environment on daily operations, businesses can create spaces that encourage both professional success and personal wellness. This article […]

An image of a busy business office, with desks, computers and chairs

10 Things to...

Moving offices can be a significant milestone for a business, symbolising growth, change, and new opportunities. However, the process involves intricate planning and careful consideration to ensure it goes smoothly and efficiently. Things you should consider when moving offices include budgeting, choosing the right location, understanding your space requirements, creating a detailed timeline and schedule, […]

7 Ways to...

To minimise downtime during office relocation, start planning early, communicate effectively, organise IT infrastructure relocation, hire professional movers, declutter and dispose, schedule the move strategically, and prepare your new office in advance. This comprehensive approach ensures a seamless transition with minimal disruption to your business operations. Below, we detail these steps and provide answers to […]

an image of a mezzanine in a house

Choosing Fit-Out Trends...

Fluctuating trends means that your interior design created for your office fit-out could be outdated within a few years! When putting in the time and resources to curate your space, picking timeless fit-out options that stand the test of time should be a priority. At Wessex Interiors, we believe in creating spaces that not only […]

An image showing an office with office partitions which help to create an interesting design and dynamic to the environment

Adapting Your Office...

The landscape of the modern workplace is undergoing a profound transformation, with hybrid work becoming the new norm. As companies embrace flexibility and employees split their time between the office and remote locations, the need for adaptable and inspiring workspaces has never been more critical. In this blog post, we explore how Wessex Interiors can […]

office refurbishment

Reflecting Company Identity...

In the fast-paced business world, your company’s identity goes beyond just a logo and a tagline. It’s about creating a cohesive and compelling narrative that resonates with employees, clients, and partners alike. One powerful way to express your brand identity is through thoughtful office design. In this blog post, we’ll explore how Wessex Interiors can […]

image of an office interior and ceiling

Green Office Refurbishment:...

Businesses are rapidly recognising the necessity of sustainable practices in today’s environmentally sensitive world. Office renovation initiatives are a crucial method to contribute to a greener future. Wessex Interiors is committed to changing workplaces in Southampton and Portsmouth into sustainable, environmentally friendly settings. In this article, we’ll look at eco-friendly practices and materials that can […]

an image of glass internal partitions in a modern office setting

Debunking Common Misconceptions...

Office partitioning has become a critical aspect of modern workplace design. It allows for flexibility, privacy, and efficient space utilisation. There are, however, a number of misconceptions concerning office partitioning that may influence your choice when designing or renovating office spaces. We will debunk some of these myths in this blog article to provide you […]

an image of polished concrete flooring

The Perfect Timing...

A major endeavour, office remodelling can transform the entire business environment, boost staff morale, and increase overall productivity. However, determining the optimal time to carry out an office refurbishment might be vital to its success. In this blog, we here at Wessex Interiors will look at the best time to renovate your office, taking into […]

two workers sat on comfortable seating and working on a project

Creative Office Partitioning...

As the modern workplace evolves, so do the design trends and concepts that form our workplaces. The days of boring cubicles and rigid constructions are over. Businesses today are embracing innovative office partitioning concepts to transform their traditional workplaces into dynamic, bright, and flexible work environments that promote productivity, collaboration, and employee well-being. In this […]